Tuesday 11 October 2016

Dear Diary

Image result for Diary

Today at english lesson  we were talking about keeping diaries. I had a diary, actually i had lots of diaries. But I never can finish them . I forget to write or my diary, or my hand hurts or i sometimes i loose my diaries. But if i think about it i really don’t need any diary: So people write on their diaries about their feelings or emotion. And why they write it . imagine your friend tells you a big secret and you don’t know what to do. You have to tell anyone or you can write it down and you will feel calm again. Now imagine it’s your secret. And you just need to tell someone. And that someone is your diary. So as i was saying people share their emotions with diaries. But why do you need a diary, if you have a friend that you can share . I think friend can do more than diary. A friend can also give you advice. That was it from my english class. I hope someday i can be able to have a diary and finish it :P

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